DIY Solutions: Cleaning and Deodorizing Shampoo Bottles

Step 1: Prepping for the Bottles

Alright, folks! First things first, we need to gather our cleaning crew. Don't worry, this is a budget-friendly squad:

- Warm water (like a cozy bath)
- Dish soap (the sudsy superstar)
- White vinegar (the odor assassin)
- Baking soda (the smell soaker-upper)
- A small brush (your old toothbrush finally has a purpose)
- A clean towel or paper towels (for the grand finale)

Step 2: Emptying the Soap

Let's start by making sure our shampoo bottles are totally empty. No need for surprise shampoo showers. Give them a good rinse with warm water. We're just getting the party started and removing the leftover shampoo. Trust me, this makes the cleaning gig a whole lot easier.

Step 3: Mixing Up the Magic Potion

To save your nostrils from that funky smell, we're going to mix up a potion of warm water and white vinegar. Equal parts, folks! The vinegar is going to destroy the bacteria and kick the odours to the curb.

Step 4: Scrub-a-Dub-Dub, Bottles in the Tub

Now, grab that small brush and dip it into the cleaning solution. Scrub the insides of the shampoo bottles like they've never been scrubbed before! Get into all those corners and crevices. Don't forget about the pumps or flip caps. They deserve a little TLC too.

Step 5: Rinse It Like You Mean It

Once the scrubbing is done, give those shampoo bottles a good rinse with warm water. Shake it like you're dancing to reggae to make sure all the vinegar is gone.

Step 6: Neutralizing the Nasties

If the bottles are still throwing a stink party after the cleaning, bring out the baking soda! Sprinkle a little inside each bottle, close the cap or pump, and shake it like a Polaroid picture. Let them sit for a few hours or overnight. The longer, the better!

Step 7: The Grand Finale

After the baking soda has worked its wonders, give your shampoo bottles another rinse with warm water to kick out any leftovers. Then, dry them off with a clean towel or paper towels. Make sure they're as dry as the Sahara before you refill them with shampoo.

And voila! You now have shampoo bottles that are cleaner than a whistle and fresher than a daisy. If this whole process feels like a marathon, give us a call at Kiss Me Clean. We'd be thrilled to help you with this and any other cleaning drama in your life.